Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Death in a Surburban Home part 3

Pete made sure to step quietly and not make his presence known, it was nightfall and Dave had locked himself in the living room. His breathing was slow and shallow, his heart was racing. He reached up and turned the fan off above the stove.
The white noise that had masked his heavy walk across the tile floor dropped out and all the commotion flowed in from the living room.

“Go Go Go, Nooooo”

He stepped forward; tensing up every time his foot inched closer to the double oak sliding doors to the living room. He could hear the television flip between channels and his brother’s loud chewing. His breathing started to become shallow, and then he just stopped breathing altogether. The television settled on a channel, and he unlocked his knees and put his ear as close to the door as possible. He could hear one of the cell phones ring.

“Hello baby… no I am just doing a little work right now… well just wait there then. He will show up when he wants… well that’s your problem, we don’t charge by the hour… look, just make yourself comfortable. Pour yourself something to drink, take a shower… he wont care, just be sexy… look that’s your choice, not mine… I don’t think he… hey hey, just chill out. I gotta go… okay”

“Mr. Brown… yes its all set. I took it for a test drive the other day and got it up to 125 in less than 15 seconds… yea, I know. So when do you want me to drop it off… oh okay. No I understand, so when do you want to come pick it up… well I understand you are a busy man, but I cant hold it here forever… well that would be appreciated…Okay what do you need… and who told you that… well that’s very difficult to get on such short notice… Well its gonna run you close to a grand… well I can always arrange that… the usual price, but this is not a package deal… that I can get right away… sure they’re into it… okay I will take care of it…”

His heart was pounding. His brother has been really busy lately. His phones have always been ringing. The other day someone called the house phone and asked when his package that he sent was ready to be picked up. He was always sent out or locked in his room when these pick ups occurred, so he never knew exactly what his brother was into. There was a pause in the room. No chewing, the television was off. He could hea…

The doors slide open.

“Holy shit what the fuck have I told you”

Pete stood frozen in place. Everything happened so quickly. What the fuck was he doing?!

“What the hell are you doing listening in…”

Dave grabbed his arm and twisted it all the way around his back, his hands felt like clamps digging into his skin. Pulling up on his arm he felt his shoulder starting to pop.

“Answer me you chubby nosey piece of shit”

“I am sorry. I am so sorry.” The pain was unbearable. He was caught, he actually got caught. He was fucked he was so fucked.

“There is no reason for you to be standing listening to my business. In fact we have it set up so all of your business can be done on the other side of the house. You little pampered shit”

Pete was near tears. His arm remained locked behind him, squeezed so hard he felt like it was going to burst.

“What did you hear”

Pete couldn’t muster any words, he was faltering over the immense strain…

Dave kicked the back of his leg and he fell forward on his knees.

“You didn’t hear a thing, got it. Nothing…”

He felt the scrap of Dave’s boot down his back. He let go of his arm Pete doubled over crumpled on the floor.

“Get up.”

Pete whimpered.


He got to his feet, his back felt wet.

“Come with me”

Dave closed and locked the double doors and lead Pete into the bathroom. Pete took off his shirt and Dave pulled so gauze from the cabinet. The sting from the alcohol was familiar.

“I won’t apologize for this. You do something that I told you specifically you couldn’t, and you were punished. You can’t and you won’t know anything beyond those doors, you hear me…”

He slapped his head.


Pete nodded.

“How is your arm”


There was silence as Dave cleaned and dressed the wounds.

“Alright your back is all cleaned up. Now go change your shirt.”

Pete walked back to his room, feeling the bandages expand and contract down his backside. When he got to his room he heard his brother call after him.

“I am going out for a while. Clean these dishes in the sink and do your homework, I know you have got to have some”

These were the only words Dave said before Pete heard the jangle of the big set of keys and the front door open and close. He heard the Civic start up on the front lawn and peel out down the road.

Pete sat on his bed, alone. The house was silent. He cried. Harder and HARDER. Then he stopped. It was over, that was it. He wasn’t sad or scared. His brother was gone. So he cleaned the dishes like he was asked. There was homework, but he didn’t give a shit about that. He just stood in front of the double oak doors that lead into the converted living room. He had never been in there. All the locks on the house were double deadbolt with chains, each had a corresponding key that made up the loud clangely jangle on the huge key ring his brother carried around. All the doors except these.

He paused. Then he kicked at the door. He kicked again and again and again and again. The door gave in, coming off its runner. He pulled the door apart and looked in. No going back, he didn’t think he didn’t want to there was no exit strategy just action. Just action.

He walked into the room


Clarence was busy rifling through Ted’s drawer when the phone rang. There was a mess of clothes and doodads scattered all over the floor. It was far to late for solicitors to be calling, so he decided that this time he would actually answer.


“Dude, what are you doing tonight”

“Nothing, Ted took the car and stuck me here by myself…”

“Just shut the fuck up and come outside” Click

He got up and looked out the front window of the living room. There was a big blue car parked in the driveway. He opened the front door and walked down to the end of the path and stopped. In the dark he could make out a person sitting in the driver seat of a deep blue 1969 Ford Mustang, dragging on a cigarette and smiling ear to ear. It was Pete.

“Come on dude lets have some fucking fun”

Clarence ran back inside and grabbed his things and locked the door behind him. He ran down the path and landed the front seat, right next to a brown paper package bound with string and .357 Desert Eagle. Or so the inscription on the side of the gun said.

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